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wAwB wCwD wEwF wGwH wIwJ wKwL wMwN wOwP wQwR wSwT wUwV wWwX wYwZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
OCEANS grow well 5
PANGHAT +woman & well 11, 30
PANGHAT +woman pot & well 35
PANGHAT +women & well 16
PANGHAT bidi +well & women 34
PANGHAT bidi +woman & well 34
POLY well 17
PRAKASH well 20
PREG-well 5
RAJANI all is well +drop 30
RUN well +spiral 7
SCRUB well 3
U. well 5
WARDS well 4, 40
WELL KUVAN +well 23
WP well pump +oval 7, 9
WS well shine 11, 19
WW wash well +oval 11
be-well +butterflys 5
build well CONSTRUCTIONS 37
comfort well 17
fit well +flower 25
flow well FLOWER LINE 11
grip well +dog 8
live well +bird 44
stay well 5
stic-well 16
super well 20
well food EAT well LIVE wel 43
well 43
woman & well 3
write well 16
30 DAYS OF wellbeing 30
30 DAYS OF wellbeing +man 30
GOLDSHIELD wellbeing resort 36
wellcoat paints +square arc 2
GLAXO wellcome 1, 5, 10
RELIANCE wellcome 42
MMP'S wellcut 8
GCI wellflex +lightning 9
wellknown SYNDICATE 7
RELIANCE wellmart 42
DR. GARG'S wellnes +flower 5
wellnes 41
wellnes 42
wellness +face & ovals 31
wellness @ WORK +apple oval 16
wellness CARE +triangle 10
wellness DEPOT 5
wellness Q.E.D. 5
ABBS fitness & wellness clu 41
AH ARTHA wellness redefined 36
BW BIRLA wellness 5
DIVINE SELF spa & wellness 3
JEEVESS ayurvedic wellness 43
KIMAYA wellness 8, 9, 10
KIMERA wellness spa salon 44
MAXENER wellness +arcs 5
MOAD wellness 35
NENE wellness 10, 44
ONJUS wellness 32
PARRY'S wellness +oval 5
SALUS wellness +oval 3
SISAL wellness 44
SPA MANTRA wellness magazin 16
SPIRIT fitness wellness 41
TAPASYA holidays & wellness 39
VALEDA holistic wellness 42
W wellness solutions 41
ZYDUS wellness 29, 30, 31
VECTRA hcg microtiter wells 5
WWF gwalior wellworth fabri 24
MICKEY mehta's 360o welness 41
GOLFLANE weltex creations 25
weltime W 14
VDW von der wense +drop 20
TOSS mens were 25
DOWELL'S elektro werke 8
west MONK 25
west PORT 34
west WINDZ holidays 39
west WOOD 25
west bengal's BODY GUARD 25
west delhi extension +squar 16, 17, 19, 20, 35, 36, 37, 42
CB C. BHOGILAL west end 11
DNA west coast 16
MANTRI CITY gwalior west 38
PUSSER'S west indies +shiel 18, 25, 35
STREE west 16
STREE west +square 35, 40, 42
THE west company +triangles 17
THE MALL of west delhi +ova 37
WB west bengal 25
WB west bengal BODY GUARD 25
WB west bengal MAGIC 25
WB west bengal OSWAL 25
WB west bengal gold 25
east west clothing 25
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